When you enter a large hospital system for dermatological treatment it often feels impersonal. The…

See a Pediatric Dermatologist in Northeast Ohio
Whether the problem involves treating an infant’s skin issues or taking care of a teenager’s acne concerns, pediatric dermatology will likely play a role in most people’s childhood and adolescent years.
While general pediatricians can handle basic skin-related complaints for young people, when things become more serious, it may benefit your child if you contact a pediatric dermatologist. They have the specialized skills, training, and experience needed to care for your baby’s, child’s, or teenager’s skin-related challenges.
Treating the child, caring for the family
Treating your child’s rash, eczema, or more serious acne cases, your pediatric dermatology specialist is ready and able to assist in finding relief for your child. Well-versed in common skin issues, the pediatric dermatologists at Allied Dermatology keep the entire family in mind when treating a young patient, ensuring compassionate care and understanding to alleviate unwarranted fears and calm worried parents and loved ones. Our goal is to treat the patient and comfort his or her caregivers and family.
We can also cover other skin concerns for your child. The appearance of strange spots on your child’s skin can be daunting. If you find a concerning spot on your child contact your pediatric dermatologist at Allied Dermatology.
Compassionate Treatment
Skin conditions can be especially distressing for young people, who may experience teasing at school and among their peers. That’s why Allied Dermatology makes extra efforts to reassure children and adolescents before and during treatment. We can determine whether your child’s acne is the result of inflammation, hormones, or bacteria, and then prescribe the appropriate oral or topical medications to treat it. We might also suggest proven therapies and treatment options to stop your child’s acne in its tracks and keep it away for good.
If your child has any skin concerns such as acne or alopecia, birthmarks or blisters or rash, Allied Dermatology’s is the place you and your child! Make an appointment at one of our convenient offices.