Skin Cancer Surgeons in Northeast Ohio

Choose the right skin cancer surgeon for your treatment needs. Allied Dermatology and Skin Surgery in Akron, Ohio has the right surgeon for your situation. For skin cancer, Mohs Surgery is an effective treatment that focuses on cancerous cells so healthy tissue can remain intact. Mohs Surgery also has the highest cure rate (up to 99.8 percent).
Allied Dermatology does not charge Facility Fees.
Mohs Surgery – Advanced Skin Cancer Removal
As the primary focus of our surgeons, Mohs surgery is the preferred cancer treatment for basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.
Mohs Surgery Step By Step Process
Learn about the Mohs surgery process that begins with a careful examination of the lesions visible part. With Mohs surgery, doctors remove only tissue with cancerous cells (maximum healthy tissue is left unharmed and intact).