Laser Skin Resurfacing for Beautiful Skin

Eventually, natural elements like sunshine, environmental pollutants, trauma, and the simple passing of time take their toll. Changes in tone, texture, and laxity age your complexion. Laser resurfacing from Allied Dermatology and Skin Surgery, with offices in Akron, Mayfield Heights, and Mentor, rejuvenates skin.
The technique
Laser resurfacing is a precise method of removing skin a layer at a time without mechanical abrasion. Scar tissue, damaged, dull, and dead skin cells are eliminated. A refreshed complexion emerges, with firmer, smoother skin.
At consultation, please let the doctor know if you are prone to fever blisters or cold sores – antiviral medication can be prescribed to avoid breakouts. You may be advised to discontinue certain medications or supplements prior to treatment. You cannot smoke for two weeks before or after the procedure.
Your comfort is ensured with local numbing, or sedation for full-face treatment. A typical treatment takes about 40 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas addressed. Your face is bandaged, and you receive home care instructions for speedy healing.
Expect some swelling, itching, and stinging for up to 72 hours. Within five to seven days, skin becomes dry and peels. Full healing may take up to 21 days. You can wear makeup to conceal redness, and daily sun protection with an oil-free broad spectrum sunscreen is a must.
Conditions treated
Our practice has multiple devices including:
- Fraxel Re:store
- Sciton ForeverYoung BBL
- Sciton Profractional
- Sciton TRL
- Sciton SkinTyte II
With this array of technologies, we effectively address these conditions on all skin types:
- Fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, or on the forehead.
- Brown spots.
- Acne scarring.
- Surgical scars.
- Skin that is non-responsive after cosmetic surgery.